Monday, 31 December 2012

Surprise and Delight in 2013

One evening in 2013, you may hear a knock at your door. You may open your door and I will be standing there with a box of chocolates, a rose in my teeth and a fireman's helmet on. You may be surprised and delighted.

Or possibly not.

But the principle is sound. Because my New Year's Resolutions, or rather my New Year's Theme is "Surprise and Delight".

I have been thinking about New Year's Resolutions and the usual approach is not working for me. Often people "give up" something they like. I know someone who is giving up chocolate. Someone else is giving up drinking. Giving up smoking. Or you pledge to lose something. Lose weight. Lose friends that you don't want to hang around. Lose habits.

But I don't find these negative statements very motivational. It's like Usain Bolt's coach issuing that well know rallying cry "Go out there, Usain, and don't run the slowest."

No. After the pain of 2012, I need a positive statement to help me find my way in 2013.

I don't need a stick to beat myself with either. I don't need a threat hanging over me, making me feel guilty. So, I am not going for a specific statement that I will achieve X by date Y that makes me feel worried if I haven't achieved X by Y. If threats and punishment are motivators for you, this should be more to your taste.

I've gone for a theme instead. My theme for 2013 is "Surprise and Delight". 2013 will be a year of surprising and delighting people. My New Year's Resolution is this...

In 2013, I will SURPRISE and DELIGHT [insert name(s) here] by doing [enter act here]

The great thing about this resolution is that I can play with it all year in all sorts of ways. I can insert my name, your name, a stranger's name or a hundred names. I can do big acts or small acts. I can surprise and delight someone by just turning up and saying hello, unexpectedly. Or perhaps by staying away! I can surprise and delight myself by treating myself to something I've always wanted (if I can give myself permission to treat myself, that is.).

Suddenly I'm feel excited about going in to 2013. Surprise and Delight. I've got an idea for every month in 2013, starting with an exciting outing for a group of people I love, in January. It's going to be a lot of fun...and listen out for that knock on the door :)


June said...

What if the surprisee is not at home when you call?

June said...

I feel both delighted and privileged to have been part of your January plan. On the way home Robyn commented that if she were to evny you in any way; it would be for your character and the fact that you are so focused and hard working but remain so caring towards others. I am glad that you are one of the people in her life that she admires.

Thank you again from both of us